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Runway Design – IES PYQ

1. Consider the following statements:

Wind rose diagram is used for the purpose(s) of 

  1. Runway orientation
  2. Estimating the runway capacity
  3. Geometric design of holding apron 

Which of these statements is/are correct ?

[IES 1997]

  1. 2 and 3
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 1 alone
  4. 1 and 2
Answer: Option C
The purpose of wind rose diagram are

  • To analyze the wind data
  • To obtain the most suitable direction of the runway

2.  Which of the following factors are taken into account for estimating the runway length required for aircraft landing ?

  1. Normal maximum temperature
  2. Airport elevation
  3. Maximum landing weight
  4. Effective runway gradient

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

[IES 1997]

  1. 1, 3 and 4
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1, 2 and 4 
  4. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: Option C
The runway length required for aircraft landing depends on

  • Airport elevation above MSL.
  • Airport reference temperature above or below the standard atmospheric temperature.
  • Effective longitudinal gradient of the runway.

3.  Assertion (A): Wind data are reported with the true north as the reference, while the runway orientation is cited relative to the magnetic azimuth.

Reason (R): The true azimuth obtained from the wind rose analysis should be changed to the corresponding magnetic azimuth.

[IES 1998]

  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true but R is false. 
  4. A is false but R is true. 
Answer: Option B

  • The wind direction is reported with respect to the true north whereas the orientation of the runway is cited with reference to magnetic north.
  • Hence, the true azimuth obtained from the wind rose diagram must be changed to the corresponding magnetic azimuth.

4.  The runway length after correcting for elevation and temperature is 2845 m. If the effective gradient on runway is 0.5 percent, the revised runway length will be _____ .

[IES 1999]

  1. 2910 m
  2. 3030 m
  3. 3130 m
  4. 2845 m
Answer: Option C
As per FAA, for every 1% effective gradient on runway, increase the runway length by 20%.
Hence, for 0.5% effective gradient on runway, increase the runway length by 10.0%.

Runway length correction for effective gradient =



x 2845 = 284.5 m

Hence, the final corrected runway length = 2845 + 284.5 = 3129.5 m ≈ 3130 m

5.  For a runway at an elevation of 1000 m above MSL and airport reference temperature of 16°C, the rise in temperature to be taken into account as per ICAO is _____ .

[IES 2000]

  1. 15°C
  2. 7.5°C
  3. 6°C
  4. 24.5°C
Answer: Option B
Standard atmospheric temperature at MSL = 15°C
Standard atmospheric temperature at 1000 m above MSL = 15 – (0.0065 x 1000) = 8.5°C
Thus, rise in temperature above standard temperature = 16 – 8.5 = 7.5°C

6.  The monthly mean of maximum daily temperature and monthly mean of average daily temperature of the hottest month of the year are 49°C and 40°C respectively, then airport reference temperature is _____ .

[IES 2003]

  1. 69.6°C
  2. 37°C
  3. 52°C
  4. 43°C
Answer: Option D

Airport reference temperature = Ta +

Tm – Ta


= 40 +

49 – 40


⇒ Airport reference temperature = 43°C

7.  The orientation of preferential runway in an airport is influenced by _____ .

[IES 2004]

  1. Adequate waiting and service facilities
  2. Convenience of terminal and control facilities
  3. Stable ground and adequate turning space
  4. Direction of prevailing wind, adequate length, obstruction-free landing and take-off zones
Answer: Option D

  • The runways are always oriented in the direction of prevailing winds so that the wind force can be used during take-off and landing operations.
  • The runway length must be adequate for landing and take-off operations.
  • The runway must also be free from obstructions.

8.  Consider the following aircraft operations:

  1. Normal landing
  2. Normal take-off with all engines
  3. Engine failure at take-off
  4. Emergency landing with all engines shut
  5. Landing with maximum payload with the help of ILS

Which of the above aircraft operations are taken into consideration in deciding the basic runway length required for an aircraft ?

[IES 2004]

  1. 2, 3 and 4
  2. 3, 4 and 5
  3. 1 and 5
  4. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option D
The basic runway length required for an aircraft is calculated based on

  • Normal landing
  • Normal take-off with all engines
  • Engine failure at take-off

9.  Match List-I (Unit) with List-II (Purpose) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:


  1. Width and length of safety area of airport
  2. Engine failure case
  3. Location of exit taxiways
  4. Grading of airport size


  1. Basic runway length
  2. Runway geometric design
  3. Airport drainage
  4. Runway capacity

[IES 2005]

Codes: A B C D

  1.  3  1  4 2
  2.  2  1  4 3
  3.  3  4  1 2
  4.  2  4  1 3
Answer: Option B

  • Geometric design of the runway depends on the safety area of the airport.
  • Engine failure case is one among the three cases considered to determine the basic runway length required for an aircraft.
  • The capacity of the runway depends on the location of exit taxiways.

10.  The percentage of time in a year during which the cross wind component remains within the limit, is _____ .

[IES 2005]

  1. Head wind
  2. Prevailing wind
  3. Cross wind
  4. Wind coverage
Answer: Option D
Wind coverage is the percentage of time in a year during which the cross wind component is within the permissible limit.
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