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Docks And Ports – IES PYQ

1. A ship is berthed in a chamber and lifted by principles of buoyancy. Such a chamber is called _____ .

[IES 1997]

  1. Wet dock
  2. Floating dock
  3. Refuge dock
  4. Dry dock
Answer: Option B
Floating dock is defined as a type of floating vessel which can lift a ship out of water and retain it above water by means of its own buoyancy.

2.  Assertion (A): Wet docks are enclosed or partially enclosed basins provided with locks and entrance gates to keep the water at fairly constant level for allowing vessels to come in, berth or leave at all times.

Reason (R): Wet docks require expensive arrangements like lock gate and the walls are designed to withstand backfill pressure when the dock is full.

[IES 2003]

  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true but R is false.
  4. A is false but R is true.
Answer: Option B

3.  Consider the following statements:

  1. Dock is a marine structure for mooring up vessels, loading and unloading of passengers and/or cargo.
  2. Dry dock is generally used only for carrying out repairs, inspections and paintings. 
  3. Wet dock is an enclosed or partially enclosed basin provided with locks and entrance gate to keep the water level at a fairly constant level. 

Which of these statements are correct ?

[IES 2005]

  1. 2 and 3
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 1 and 3
  4. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option D
All the given statements are correct.

4.  Which one of the following is not correct for container ports ?

[IES 2007]

  1. Overall transit time is less
  2. There is minimal damage to cargo
  3. Minimal land is required for the marshalling area 
  4. The berth capacity is great
Answer: Option D
Container port is a facility where cargo containers are shipped between different transport vehicles. These container ports have limited berth capacity which ensures minimal damage to cargo and lesser transit time. Also, the container ports require minimum land for marshalling area.
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